The weather in Barcelona

Barcelona has a Mediterranean climate. That means summers are hot and winters are mild. My favorite months are May, June, September and October.


Weather forecast for Barcelona

Current weather in Barcelona and forecasts for the week ahead:

BARCELONA Weather Forecast

The four seasons

The year usually begins a bit gray, with clouds and occasional rain. The average temperature in the winter months is about 10ºC but you may be lucky and get enjoy temperatures between 16ºC to 18ºC degrees and blue skies, but there are also days it doesn’t get warmer than 7ºC.

Spring generally comes late: until May, the average daytime temperature is below 16ºC. There is also regular precipitation in the months of April and May.

At the end of spring, things suddenly speed up: in June, the average temperature rises to 21 degrees and precipitation decreases rapidly. In July and August, warm summer weather is guaranteed. Especially in August, temperatures regularly exceed 30ºC. In combination with the high humidity, it feels even hotter.

September is also generally a beautiful month with an average temperature of 22 degrees, and in recent years October has also been a month of clear blue skies with an average temperature of 22 degrees.

In late October, early November the weather often turns and that can mean a lot of precipitation, sometimes it rains for days in a row and also quite hard. The clouds make the city cool down.

From late November, early December the temperature drops gradually to a minumum of around 10ºC during the day.

What is the best time of year for a city break to Barcelona?

June, July and September are the best months to book a city break to Barcelona. The chance of nice weather is great then, but it is not yet that hot that you would rather not leave your hotel in the hot afternoon.

May and October are also great. You have a good chance of nice weather.

Some days in August are sweltering hot. If you come for a day, say from the campsite, pick a cloudy day. Moreover, many Barcelonans take their own vacation during that month, so many stores and restaurants are closed. November is usually the wettest month of the year, although these last years there was hardly any rain.

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