The weather in Barcelona

Barcelona has a Mediterranean climate. That means summers are hot and winters are mild. Our favorite months are May, June, September and October.


Weather forecast for Barcelona

Current weather in Barcelona and forecasts for the week ahead:

BARCELONA Weather Forecast

The different seasons in Barcelons

Winter (December – February): The year typically begins with a bit of gray, cloudy skies, and occasional rain. The average temperature during the winter months hovers around 10ºC, but you might be fortunate enough to experience temperatures between 16ºC and 18ºC with clear blue skies. However, there are days when it doesn’t get warmer than 7ºC.

Spring (March – May): Spring generally arrives late in Barcelona. Until May, the average daytime temperature remains below 16ºC, with regular precipitation in April and May. The weather can be quite variable, transitioning from chilly and wet to pleasantly mild.

Summer (June – August): As spring ends, temperatures rise quickly. By June, the average temperature climbs to 21ºC, and precipitation drops significantly. July and August guarantee warm summer weather, with temperatures often exceeding 30ºC. The high humidity can make it feel even hotter, creating a true summer atmosphere perfect for beach outings and outdoor activities.

Autumn (September – November): September usually continues the summer trend with an average temperature of 22ºC. Recent years have seen October maintaining clear blue skies and similar temperatures. However, by late October or early November, the weather often shifts, bringing significant rainfall that can last for days. The increase in precipitation and cloud cover begins to cool the city.

Late Autumn and Early Winter (Late November – December): As November progresses, temperatures gradually drop, reaching around 10ºC during the day by early December. The transition from autumn to winter brings cooler and occasionally rainy weather, preparing the city for the mild winter months ahead.

What is the best time of year to visit Barcelona?

June, July, and September: These months are ideal for a city break in Barcelona. The weather is generally pleasant, offering a great balance of warmth and comfort. While it’s warm enough to enjoy the city’s outdoor attractions, it’s not so hot that you’d want to retreat to your hotel during the afternoons.

May and October: These months also provide favorable conditions for exploring Barcelona. The likelihood of nice weather is high, making it an excellent time to enjoy the city’s sights and activities without the peak summer heat.

August: Be prepared for sweltering heat if you visit in August. The temperatures can be quite intense, so if you’re planning a day trip, it’s best to choose a cloudy day. Additionally, many locals take their vacations during this month, which means some stores and restaurants may be closed.

November: Traditionally the wettest month of the year, November can bring frequent rain. However, in recent years, the rainfall has been minimal, making it less predictable but potentially more accommodating than expected.

Are you looking for a hotel in Barcelona? Check out this article: Hotels in Barcelona. Also take a look at What to do in BarcelonA? and The best restaurants.